Monday, August 8, 2011

How to Get Rid of a Hickey

Are you embarrassed of your lollipop, the red mark on your neck or other parts of the skin? You really do not need to bother. This is a temporary mark on the skin that is caused by excessive kissing or sucking. It can be removed as it is superficial and temporary mark that occurs when certain blood vessels break under your skin.

While these brands Hickey take at least 4-5 days, you can speed up the process by following certain instructions. To ensure you do not have to deal with any discomfort caused by the brand Hickey, simply adopt one of the following and see the difference.

1. One of the best ways to get rid of dark Hickey is to apply some cold agents. You can take a few ice cubes and wrap in a piece of cloth. Now place it on the mark hickey. Make sure you rub the cloth or not to press too hard against your skin because it can still cause more bruising of the affected area. Moreover also avoid placing ice directly on the skin because it can cause ice burn on your skin.

2. In addition to removing the mark with a coolant, you can also get effective results by applying a little heat to the affected area. Take a clean cloth and soak it in warm water. Now you can do on site for several minutes. You can continue this process for 3 times a day to more quickly afterwards.

3. You can easily rub the surface with a soft bristle brush. Make sure that the movement up and down is smooth and without any force.Si you rub too much, it will only get worse if left a few scratches and red around the brand.

4. Prepare a mixture of powder, cooking water and salt. Apply the paste on the lollipop. It will disappear lollipop brands will eventually disappear within days. You should ask this in the morning before you shower at night before going to bed. It is one of effective methods that yields results in no time.

5. If you do not have time and want to immediately remove the marks, you can use a concealer. Although it will not delete your Hickey, but it will definitely hide in the short term. You can apply a lighter shade than your skin tone. Make sure the EQ is applied thinly over the entire affected area so that the stain does not attract attention.

6. You can also hide by covering your hickey. You can go long-sleeved dress or high-neck or a scarf, depending on the area to be hidden. If the exposed area can be covered with your outfit, simply hide the red spot with a bandage. But be prepared to answer questions others may ask you about your injury.

These are some proven methods that have been applied by many people.